Families and Communities Together

Phone: 573-221-2285



FACT (Families and Communities Together) is an organization of community members working together to develop and build stronger, more successful families and children.

Governor Mel Carnahan issued an Executive Order in 1993 creating the Family Investment Trust (FIT) to promote collaboration and innovation in service delivery for Missouri’s children and families. It mandated local decision-making to drive a new relationship between state government and communities. In 2001, Governor Bob Holden changed the name to Family and Community Trust (FACT).

Twenty-one Caring Communities organizations were established around the state to implement this innovative approach with six core result areas as their focus. Each local partnership works to identify and develop solutions to overcome challenges such as homelessness, drug abuse, child abuse, teen pregnancy, after-school care, dental care and many others. The local FACT organization became a United Way member in 2014.

What is our Mission And Purpose?
F.A.C.T. collaborates with local people to develop and build stronger, more successful families and children to achieve the following purposes:

Build, nurture and strengthen families
Strive to ensure every child has the opportunity to become healthy, responsible, productive and a contributing member of the community.
Develop or build upon existing resources to plan and implement a pro-family strategy.
Implement strategies of Missouri Family and Community Trust's (FACT) Core Results for children and families


1 .Healthy Children and Families
2. Children Safe in Their Families and Families Safe in Their Community
3. Young Children Ready to Enter School
4. Children Succeeding in School
5. Youth Ready to Enter Productive Adulthood
6. Parents Working at Reasonable Wages


Our local FACT organization seeks to strengthen and empower families and communities by collaboration.

We will develop or build upon existing private and public resources to develop, plan and implement a comprehensive Community Plan to deliver services to children and families at a local level.

FACT works to achieve our six core results by:

Actively involving communities in decisions which affect their well-being Bringing services closer to where families live and children attend school Using dollars more flexibly and effectively to meet the needs of families Being more accountable for results